Pig E. Bank Predictive Modeling

Predictive Modeling | Data Mining | Time-Series Forecasting

Project Overview

  • As an analyst for an anti-money laundering compliance department of a global bank, i'm tasked with:

    • Understanding and predicting what causes members to leave the bank.

    • Building models to assess transaction risk and flag suspicious activity.

  • Pig E. Bank client dataset includes

    • Account balance

    • Customer demo information (country, age, gender)

    • Bank member status

    • Credit card holder status

    • Estimated salary

    • Credit score

    • Data bias

    • Data security & data privacy

    • Data mining (CRISP-DM, clustering, decision tree)

    • Predictive modeling (regression & classification models

    • Time-series forecasting (stationarity, autocorrelation, seasonality, ARIMA, Facebook Prophet)


Who leaves the bank?

On average those who left the bank had lower avg credit score, higher avg age & higher avg balance.

What contributes to attrition?

Contribution % of factor =

(# of factor that left bank) / (# of bank clients all time)

Top contributing factors for leaving Pig. E. Bank:

  1. Higher than avg age

  2. Has Credit Card

  3. Had 1 bank product

  4. Had higher than avg balance

  5. Is Female

Decision tree for leaving bank



  1. Workers should be deployed to the 9 states (California, Texas, Florida, New York, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Ohio, Michigan, North Carolina) with most deaths and largest vulnerable populations. 

    Number of staff deployed should be proportional to the size of the state's vulnerable population.

    Staff should be sent in the beginning of December to mitigate against the peak of influenza season (December - March).

Next Steps

  1. Additional analysis should be conducted to determine best course of actions for preventing and treating influenza.

  2. Follow up analysis should be conducted to measure effectiveness of additional medical staff.

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