GameCo Sales Analysis
Exploratory Data Analysis | Visualization | Data Storytelling
Project Overview
Video game company, GameCo, is planning their 2017 marketing budget with the aim of maximizing ROI.
My goal is to analyze their historucak data to challenge the stakeholders’ internal assumptions and make budget recommendations.
GameCo’s video game sales from1980 - 2016
Dimensions include region, publisher, genre & platform
Data cleaning
Descriptive & exploratory data analysis
Statistical analysis
Data visualization (bar & column charts, box & whisker plots, scatterplots)
Data storytelling
From 2014 to 2016 the most popular video game platform globally was the PS4 and it's popularity was highest in the EU.
As a result, in 2016 EU video game sales replaced NA as the highest sale region. This challenges GameCo’s assumption of consistency across regions and over time.
Based on the analysis, our revised understanding is that sales fluctuate substantially across regions and over time.
As a result of GameCo’s new understanding, I recommend that marketing budgets be redistributed to reflect the sales breakdown in 2016.
Next Steps
Further investigation should be done into regional differences that may impact popularity of different video game publishers, genres or platforms.
Why was the PS4 more popular in EU? Were there games released that catered to a European audience?
Is the declining trend a temporary result of decreasing sales of Xbox 360 and PS3?
Can we use these trends to estimate marketing budgets for years beyond 2017?