Influenza Season Workforce Distribution

Statistical Analysis | Hypothesis Testing | Tableau Visualizations

Project Overview

Analysis & Key Questions

Is Influenza seasonal?

Influenza seasons are cyclical, peaking each year from December to March, and consistent, causing similar levels of death year over year.

Who is most vulnerable?

The influenza mortality rate is highest for children under 5 and adults 65 & over. This vulnerable population is where we will focus our staffing resources.

Where are deaths occurring?

States with the most total deaths are also the states with the largest vulnerable populations. The top 9 of these states where aid should be focused are California, New York, Texas, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Florida, Ohio, North Carolina, Michigan.



  1. Workers should be deployed to the 9 states (California, Texas, Florida, New York, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Ohio, Michigan, North Carolina) with most deaths and largest vulnerable populations. 

    Number of staff deployed should be proportional to the size of the state's vulnerable population.

    Staff should be sent in the beginning of December to mitigate against the peak of influenza season (December - March).

Next Steps

  1. Additional analysis should be conducted to determine best course of actions for preventing and treating influenza.

  2. Follow up analysis should be conducted to measure effectiveness of additional medical staff.

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